Have you got cash or money that you’ve raised at an event, or offline that you need to transfer to Breast Cancer Foundation NZ?
You can get it to us by bank deposit or using your credit card.
1. Bank deposit
You can transfer the funds using internet banking or deposit the money you’ve raised at any ASB branch. Either way, you must use your personalised reference number, below, so we know it’s from you. Once you’ve transferred the money raised, there’s nothing else you need to do. When we receive your deposit, we’ll add this amount to your online fundraising page (this might take a few days).
Account name: Breast Cancer Foundation NZ
Account number: 12-3030-0534226-00
Personalised reference number:BCF12986
2. Credit card
You can use the form below to transfer funds raised to the Foundation using a credit card. This will be automatically added to your online fundraising page straight away and is the quickest way to get your donation on your page.
There are two options when using your card:
You can enter someone else’s details and it will send them a donation receipt. This is a great option if someone has donated cash at your event and has asked for a receipt.
You can transfer all money collected at the event and not receive a donation receipt. Just select “I’m transferring money I’ve raised” and pop your own details into the form.