Anytime Fitness Riccarton

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We are hosting a Pink Ribbon Breakfast for our Friends, Family and all the beautiful Wahine in NZ.

This cause does hit home pretty hard for us here at AF Riccarton. At the start of this year one of our staff members lost someone pretty special to her who fought a long and hard battle with Breast cancer. Breast cancer is the most common cancer in Kiwi women. 1 in 9 women will be diagnosed with it in their lifetime. And 650 women in Aotearoa die from the disease every year.

That’s why we are hosting a Pink Ribbon Breakfast this year, to help change that.

My Impact


Keeping our breast nurses out and about in the pink campervan for 12 hours, thanks to you!

Funds raised over the years

My Achievements

Fundraising page

Updated Profile Pic

Added a Blog Post

Received 5 Donations

Reached Goal

Increased Target

Thank you to my Sponsors

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Tanya Mckenzie


Sakara Whyte



Slay Queens


Ruby Tan

A lovely initiative! ❤️


Ginnie Baker


Donna Roderkerken


Danielle Roderkerken


Tahlia Manawatu




On behalf of member cash donation


Krista Dawson

Happy $1000 🥰🥰


Will Mckeown


Paige Van Beurten




Alex Roberts

Slay Queens


Kayla Nicholls


Grace Duncan


Renan Singh



what a sweet initiative!! one of my former coworkers was diagnosed recently, she’s an absolute legend!


Sushant & Himshikha

Great initiative team!! Keep up the great work


Hal Duncan

On behalf of members' $50 and $20 cash donations

Give hope gift




Nikko Perez

Give hope gift


Two Dog Fitness


Sean Phoon


Joe Sinclair