Beverley Lester

Pink Ribbon Walk 2024 - Christchurch

I'm taking part in the Pink Ribbon Walks for the nine women diagnosed with breast cancer each day in New Zealand.

My name is Beverley and I am a breast cancer survivor.  My journey through diagnosis, treatment and recovery has been challenging, but it has also been a source of resilience and strength.

My journey with breast cancer started in 2023 after a routine mammogram.  It was a rollercoaster of emotions and countless cups of tea (because tea fixes everything right?)  Thanks to early detection, a great medical team and my amazing support network, I’m now cancer free.

1 in 9 women will be diagnosed with it in their lifetime.  The Pink Ribbon Walk is more than just event; it’s a powerful movement that brings us together to support those currently battling the disease, honour those who have lost their lives and celebrate survivors like myself.

I walk to give hope to others facing a breast cancer battle. I walk to raise awareness about the importance of early detection and support the vital research needed to find a cure.

I invite you to join me in supporting this cause by making a donation to my fundraising page.  Your contribution, no matter how small can make a significant difference in the lives of those affected by breast cancer.

Whether you walk alongside me or support from afar, your presence and encouragement mean the world.

Thank you for your generosity and support.

With heartfelt gratitude


My Activity Tracking


My target 50 kms

Thank you to my Sponsors


Marika Naylor

Kia Kaha Bev <3


Dawn Munro


Kay Cannell


Glenys Chell




Barry Elford


Richard Swift


Jacob Alexander

Go Bev!


Julie Lynskey


Brad Ferguson

Good on ya Bev!


Rod Kilpatrick




Sheri Jansen


Megan Wilkes


Simon Drain