Jolene Piek

My name is Jolene, I am 37 and I was diagnosed with tripple negative breast cancer in June 2024. 
I have been to many pink ribbon breakfasts, seen the pink ribbons during the month of October, walk past breast cancer posters and brochures but never in a million years did I ever think I would be diagnosed with breast cancer, or any cancer for that matter. 
I discovered a round marble like lump under my arm following a few days of discomfort. I didn’t think much of it as I was still breastfeeding. Discomfort every now and again is nothing weird. But the lump felt strange and in the back of my mind I started thinking.. could it be? But I didn’t say anything and kept self examining myself, I didn’t want to unnecessarily cause panic. After about two weeks I told my husband and he encouraged me to go see our GP. We have both been quite sick on and off for about 3 months and thought it might be related to that.  
After an ultrasound, mammogram and two biopsies it was confirmed by a phone call from the radiologist, the words, “I am sorry, you have cancer” was the most difficult words to hear and process. I couldn’t believe it. The thoughts and emotions, the anxiety that followed was too much. My husband was my rock and the one who grounded me. He stayed calm, he kept the atmosphere light and filled our house with love. I couldn’t sleep without holding his hand, the placed my mind wondered in the first few days.. man oh man. Never Google after a diagnosis. Wait to see the professionals. It was confirmed a few days later after a mammogram that it was indeed breast cancer as we were not initially sure where the cancer was.  
My whole life came crashing down, a week of uncertainty and panic. Scans and doctors and more appointments, more pocking and prodding. It was two weeks since diagnosis and chemo started. Thank goodness for our amazing medical insurance and private health facilities.  
My mom and mother in law hopped on a plane from South Africa and was here before chemo started, my two heros.  
I decided to not give cancer any power over me or my emotions, a chose to not be labelled as sick, I keep life as normal as possible and I try stay positive. Easier said than done some days. After all, we are only human. But when things get overwhelming I look around me at all my blessings, my beautiful family and I pick myself up and remember what I am fighting for.  
I want to take the time to thank every single person I have come into contact with, every receptionist helping with appointments, tea ladies making tea and bringing me biscuits, the radiologists, surgeons, my incredible doctor and wellness team and the amazingly kind and passionate oncology nurses! You are appreciated! You have lightened our load!  
I have a new appreciation for life, I have a long journey ahead of me as I have only really started this fight. But man, cancer picked the wrong girl. I have learned beautiful life lessons, made new friends, seen my family and friends through new eyes! My faith is stronger than ever, with God by my side I have new inner strength and hope.  
To my incredible husband, George, my gorgeous son Derik, our beautiful families, my amazing group of friend, I DO THIS FOR YOU AND ME!