Linda McAlpine
Wow how amazing to be able to share my story.
My story starts with my beautiful mum who passed away from breast cancer at the tender age of 59. She didn't make it to her retirement, and she had worked so very hard and had raised 5 children to have it all cut short by this terrible disease.
I am the eldest of the 5 children and I had made it past 59 I have skin cancer that has been treated by the plastic surgeons at Middlemore Hospital but so far so good in the breast screening area. Then last year in my 64th year I picked up a box and it hit my breast. I thought that it hurt but carried on a couple of weeks later I remembered that feeling and checked myself and yes, I could feel something. I was devastated.
Off to the doctor I went, she said she didn't think it was anything to be worried about but set up some appointments for me. I came home and cried and cried sobbed, I knew it was something. My poor husband didn't know what had hit him. He had lost his first wife to breast cancer, and she was only 49 years old.
I was so looking forward to my retirement, I have worked so hard all my life sometimes 3-4 jobs just to keep the mortgage paid and food on the table for the family. I went off to the appointments and yes there it was. My world plummeted. I was so very sad thinking that I had missed out on my future. This all happened at the end of 2020.
Yes, I did have breast cancer, it was very small but very invasive, so treatment began. Surgery, chemotherapy, radiotherapy and I am still visiting a physio due to the side effects of the radiotherapy. My hair has started to grow back now, and I look like a hedgehog :) but the worst of all the treatment is now behind me.
This disease is like a life sentence taking away from the beautiful women that we are. The thing that makes us beautiful strong women that lets create our children also kills us.
I am now on medication for the next 7 years with regular 6 monthly infusions to help keep my bones strong. The reason that I am raising money for this amazing cause if for my daughter, my gorgeous granddaughters, and for all the generations that follow. Without money for research where would we be.
Thank you so much for the opportunity to share my story.