Lyn Cosgrove
Kia Ora everyone,
My name is Lyn Cosgrove, and I'm doing the Pink Ribbon Walk in Auckland on Sunday 13 October 2024.
Why am I doing this?
I am walking for me, and for the thousands of others like me, walking the same path. It could be, a Sister, Brother, Mum, Dad, other Whanau, friends, lost love ones. Cancer has no bias.
My first brush with Breast Cancer was in Dec 2009. I went through Chemo; Radiation; numerous Oncology appointments. Losing my hair, feeling fatigued and nauseous the whole gambit. After 5 years, I thought I had kicked this Cancer to the curb.
However, in Feb 2015 it came back like an unwanted friend, I just couldn’t shake it, try as I may, just kept hanging.
My Breast Cancer had advanced into a Chronic Disease, “Stage 4 Metastatic Breast Cancer”, identified by my Brain Tumour on my left frontal lobe….the reality of this diagnosis, I should have died within 12 months….Hmmm, “’ I’m still standing after all these years”.(Quote Billy Joel).
As, my dear old Dad would always say, “Dear, you can’t kill a weed, we just keep coming back” or “Dear, every day above ground is a Bonus”. I tend to adopt that positive attitude and fortunately, I surround myself with a whole lot of “like-mannered people”. Thanks, very much appreciated!
So why not walk with me, join me, and celebrate “Life, Laugher wrapped up in a whole lotta Love”.
Kia kite anoa (Thanks).
Lyn Cosgrove