Julia Reeves

Pink Ribbon Walk 2024 - Christchurch

I 'm taking part in the Pink Ribbon Walk. I am one of the 9 Kiwi women diagnosed with breast cancer each day in New Zealand.

I am determined to be taking part in this walk, 3 weeks post surgery for breast cancer.  Please help me  and those on my team 'kick the bitch to the kerb'.

I have had some great support from BCF and want to do all I can to give something back and help them to raise funds.

Please donate to raise funds for life-saving education, life-changing patient support and ground-breaking medical research. And bring us closer to a day when there are zero deaths from breast cancer.

My Activity Tracking


My target 50 kms

Thank you to my Sponsors




Erna Lako-rowntree


Charlotte Evers

I'll be with you in spirit 🎗️