Here’s how you’re helping ❤
We believe one day, no one will die of breast cancer.
Breast cancer will probably still exist, but it will be caught early and treated better to prevent it from spreading (breast cancer rarely kills unless it spreads beyond the breast). And if it does spread, there will be treatments and support to keep people alive for a very long time – just as now happens with HIV, diabetes and several other conditions that used to be a death sentence but which are now managable over the long term.
Our job is to do all we can to bring that day forward. That’s where you come in. Thanks to your generous support, we are agressively pushing for new frontiers in early detection, treatment and support. However you’re involved – holding a fundraiser, running a marathon, attending a birthday celebration, donating your time, money or resources – you’re helping get one step closer to zero deaths from breast cancer.
How funding is allocated:
research, education and support
Funding is organised into three pillars: research, to improve long-term outcomes for breast cancer patients; education, to ensure information is readily available and that all women know the signs and symptoms of breast cancer; and patient support, for those recovering from treatment and those living long term with breast cancer, to improve their quality of life and extend survival.
However you’re involved, you’ll be helping to continue vital work, including
You’re helping push for scientific breakthroughs in the treatment and management of breast cancer. To date, people like you have helped distribute over $13million for breast cancer research and medical grants.
You’re helping raise awareness and edcuate New Zealanders on the signs and symptoms of breast cancer, because detecting breast cancer early is the key to saving lives.
You’re helping make sure that all Kiwis have the support they need during treatment and recovery. This includes a telehealth service run by specialist breast nurses, counselling and online support.

Connecting with New Zealanders in hard to reach communities
Every year, our breast health nurses travel around the country in the iconic pink campervan, providing advice and promoting mammograms. They visit smaller towns – places that don’t have access to the variety of health services that the bigger cities do – and some larger workplaces so that busy staff can visit during work time.
Te Rēhita Mate Ūtaetae, the Breast Cancer Foundation National Register
You’re helping fund this ground-breaking patient register, which holds data on breast cancer patients in New Zealand dating back to 2000. It’s a vital, confidential resource to help doctors and researchers improve diagnosis, treatment and patient outcomes.

Encouraging Kiwis to be breast aware
Breast cancer caught early is more treatable and more survivable. You’re contributing to education programmes that teach Kiwis to be breast aware – know their normal, learn the signs and symptoms and get regular mammograms.