
By Georgia Allen

Pink For a Day

ChristchurchNZ is helping raise vital funds for breast cancer education, research and patient support.

Every year 3,500 Kiwis are diagnosed with breast cancer, and more than 650 will die.

By fundraising for Breast Cancer Foundation NZ, We are helping fund –

  1. Ground-breaking projects by some of our countries top researchers
  2. Education about breast health, the importance of regular screening and the signs and symptoms of breast cancer
  3. Free support services for breast cancer patients and their families

Donate today to help make zero deaths from breast cancer a reality.

Thank you to my Sponsors


Adele Radburnd


Christchurchnz Morning Tea


Katrina Mansfield


Rachael Shiels


Martin Cudd Cudd


Stefi Porter


Paul Wilkinson


Emma Renowden


Amie Seymour

Go team CNZ


Claire Hector-taylor


Jemma Clarke


Sophie Jones


Kylie Yardley


Kerri Jones


Dan Terris


James Brickland


Kate Butler


Ashleigh Coates


Catherine Dwan


Georgia Allen