Huia Patena

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Early Detection Protects Whakapapa

Breast cancer is the most common cancer in Kiwi women. 1 in 9 women will be diagnosed with it in their lifetime. And 650 women in Aotearoa die from the disease every year.

That’s why I’m hosting a Pink Ribbon Breakfast this year, to help change that.

Please donate to raise funds for life-saving education, life-changing patient support and ground-breaking medical research. And bring us closer to a day when there are zero deaths from breast cancer.

My Impact


Keeping our breast nurses out and about in the pink campervan for 31 hours, thanks to you!

Funds raised over the years

My Achievements

Fundraising page

Updated Profile Pic

Added a Blog Post

Received 5 Donations

Reached Goal

Increased Target

Thank you to my Sponsors

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Huia's Pink Ribbon Breakfast - 25/05/24

Donations collected on the day of the event at Te Iti O Hua Marae.



Thank you for all you are, and all you do.




Pixie Macalister


Karmen Rau

Love you aunty! From us Lillian & Uriah❤️





Janira Rehua-davis


Sheri Patena

Mauriora Huia


Janira Rehua-davis


Ngahiti-mae Wright


Renee Wood

Tau ke Huia!





Celeste Shirley

Ngaa mihi


Losaliné Tafuna




Koia kei a koe e hoa!



Hei whakapaingia ki tō kaupapa e hoa, ka nui te mihi ki a koe



Well done Huia! I hope you hit your goal 😘

Give hope gift




Rerehua Boutique

Rerehua Boutique is an indigineous māori owned business that creates Māori and Pasfika inspired jewellery and other taonga. We are happy to support this cause and hope it helps to raise awareness and education for wahine māori.


Piki Toi

This koha is part of an ongoing collaboration between Huia and Piki Toi to spread awareness regarding early detection, and to support those who are still on their healing journey. Ngā aroha Huia for all of your mahi in this space, it is a privilege for us to be able to support you. Ngā mihi nui ki a koe, Nikki-Leigh x


Huia Patena