Host a Pink
Ribbon Breakfast
23 May 2024
Tuck in with your friends, whānau and workmates. And help beat breast cancer, together.
people registered
How it works
Become a host with the most
After you've signed up you’ll receive a host kit to get you started, plus lots of support with your planning and fundraising too.
Bring everyone together
On 23 May, you’ll join thousands of other host by holding a breakfast, a morning tea, a dinner – or any meal you like.
Make breast cancer history
Every dollar you raise together will fund education, research and patient support. And help bring breast cancer deaths to zero.
1 in 9 Kiwi women need you to host a breakfast. Here’s why.

Breast cancer is the most common cancer in Kiwi women. 1 in 9 women will be diagnosed with it in their lifetime. And 650 women in Aotearoa die from the disease every year.
By hosting a Pink Ribbon Breakfast for your friends, whānau or workmates, you can help change that.
Together, you’ll raise funds for life-saving education, life-changing patient support and ground-breaking medical research. And bring us closer to a day when there are zero deaths from breast cancer.
Be a part of our community on Instagram.
Use the hashtag above if you would like your photo featured below.
Our Pink Ribbon Breakfast sponsors